About Membership
As indicated in our Statement of Beliefs, we believe that Church Membership was a practice of the New Testament church. Membership is the mark of commitment between members of a local church body to each other. This commitment includes a commitment from the leadership of a church to shepherd a church member in all ways that facilitate spiritual growth. Likewise, membership on behalf of those in the congregation is public commitment to participate, grow, and serve in that local body in such ways that the entire body can better live out in practice the things we believe in faith.
Membership Covenant
I believe that I have been saved by grace alone through faith alone by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ alone. Realizing Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, I know that I am part of the universal church and the Kingdom of God. As a saved and baptized believer, I recognize that I have been called by Jesus Christ through His word to partner with a local church body. (Acts 2:42)
I have read, understand and am in sufficient agreement with the Statement of Beliefs of Cedar Springs Church. Therefore, I believe I am called to covenant with Cedar Springs Church by becoming an active member of the local church body.
I understand that the Spirit has called me as a believer in Jesus Christ to be committed to and participate with the body of believers at Cedar Springs Church. This participation includes fellowship, discipleship, and service in such things as regular attendance at worship and small groups; giving of my time, talents, resources and spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ and support the efforts and objectives of the Church. I also agree to participate in the ordinances given by Christ of Baptism and Communion. I agree to be in meaningful relationships with other church members. (Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Cor. 11:23-26; Acts 2:38; 1 Cor. 12:12-14)
Finally, I am willing to submit myself to the spiritual leadership of Cedar Springs Church. I am willing to live in harmony with the other members of this church by submitting to the guidance, disciplines and teaching of the elders of the church. I realize that failure on my part to adhere to this covenant may be cause for my membership to be affected if the elders of the church judge it to be necessary. (Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:1-3, 1 Thess. 5:12-13)